The Beam Team

We have a comprehensive staffing structure to ensure that staff are deployed in ways that maximise learning and meet the needs of our community.


The Leadership Team


  • The Headteacher: Miss. Whittington
  • The Chair of Governors: Miss. Eckemecki


This team is responsible, alongside members of the Governing Body, for determining the vision and strategic direction of the school and for the policy and procedures that ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the establishment. The management of the school budget is the responsibility of the Headteacher.


The Senior Leadership Team


  • The Headteacher: Miss. Whittington
  • Assistant Headteachers:  Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Endacott, Mrs. McKenzie, Miss. Mooney
  • SENDCO:  Miss. Mooney and Mrs. Gholampour


This team works to ensure that high-quality learning and teaching results in good standards of attainment and progress. We also lead the pastoral care and promote the school’s ethos and vision.

This team are also responsible for the behaviour and quality of teaching and learning within the team.

Assistant Heads are either responsible for a key-phase or a key aspect for the school.  We hope to realise the potential advantages of this by:


  • Working actively on monitoring and ensuring continuity of learning,
  • Providing opportunities to lead a number of projects over time adding diversity and variety to the post in hand,
  • Providing an excellent model of continuous professional development and preparation for progression, as it provides the opportunity to develop and enhance generic leadership and management skills

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