Medicines in School


There may be occasions when children attending school need to take prescribed medication. Such medicines should be brought personally to the school office in the smallest practicable amount, by the parent/carer. Medication must be in the original prescribed packaging showing pupil’s name, contents, dosage and date. A Permission to Administer form will need to be completed and signed by the parent. A record is kept of all medication administered.

It is parents’ responsibility to ensure all medication at school is in date and when it expires.



Asthma Inhalers are also a prescribed medication and parents will be required to complete an asthma plan form to administer an inhaler. Inhalers are kept in a safe and readily accessible place in the school office and should also be clearly labelled in the original prescribed packaging.

It is parents’ responsibility to ensure all medication at school is in date and when it expires.

From 1st October 2014 the Human Medicines (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014 allows schools to buy salbutamol inhalers, without a prescription, for use in emergencies. The emergency salbutamol inhaler should only be used by children, for whom written parental consent for use of the emergency inhaler has been given, who have either been diagnosed with asthma and prescribed an inhaler, or who have been prescribed an inhaler as reliever medication. The inhaler can be used if the pupil’s prescribed inhaler is not available (for example, because it is broken, or empty). The consent form can be found below 

Press the link below to open up the following documents: 

My Asthma Plan



