Altiora Quaerite Room

Altiora Quaerite (AQ) Class: Formal Curriculum with Nurture Pathway

'Altiora Quaerite' is a Latin phrase that translates to 'Seek Higher Things' or ''Strive for Excellence'. By choosing this name, we emphasise the aspirational nature of educational and personal growth for our pupils - no matter the challenges they face. It conveys a message of determination and ambition. 

Learners on this curriculum pathway will usually have learning difficulties and co-occurring speech, language and communication needs or social, emotional, and mental health difficulties. Pupils are usually working at a pre-key stage level and may need support with their interpersonal skills, self-esteem, and well-being.

The primary intent of our AQ provision, is to provide an inclusive and nurturing environment where each student - regardless of their abilities - can access education that is tailored to their specific learning, social and emotional needs. We understand our pupils' unique needs and challenges, and we are committed to providing them with the support and resources they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Pupils will have access to assessments by both a speech and language therapist and an educational psychologist, in order to guide staff with personalised planning that recognises individual strengths and areas of development.

We recognise that emotional well-being is fundamental to learning, and therefore, pedagogy within our AQ provision, aligns with the six principles of nurture:

1. Children’s learning is understood developmentally

2. The classroom offers a safe base

3. The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing

4. Language is a vital means of communication

5. All behaviour is communication

6. The importance of transitions in children’s lives

Further to this, staff working within our AQ provision give due regard to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:


Whilst we acknowledge that it is impossible for schools to satisfy every physiological need, we strive to offer resources or referrals to ensure that as many of these as possible, can be met.


We aim for our pupils to feel safe through:

  • clear expectations and routines
  • adherence to the schools’ restorative behaviour policy which is embedded in relational practice
  • access to skilled staff who foster an environment that allows for healthy levels of risk taking, questioning and discussion
  • a trust-based relationship with staff and peers, where respect for one another is at the core. This is supported by embedding the principles of nurture and a consistent application of the school’s behaviour policy.
Belonging and Esteem

Staff regard pupils as unique individuals, acknowledging their own strengths and areas of interest or expertise. They ensure that pupils feel welcome in the classroom and know they are valued and appreciated. Restorative behaviour approaches further support the relational practice applied in the AQ provision and across the school.

We strongly believe that every step that staff make toward contributing to these needs and applying a nurture-based approach, will enhance pupils’ capacity for learning and achievement in the classroom. Additionally, we believe that providing pupils with a curriculum that is pitched appropriately to allow for success and challenge, alongside skilled staff who are able to support social and emotional needs, interpersonal skills, self-esteem, and wellbeing, will ensure that each student is able to reach their potential. Our strong links with parents and carers also ensure that there is consistent and supportive approach.

The curriculum in AQ aligns with and adapts elements of the National Curriculum to ensure that pupils are exposed to a broad range of subjects and skills. They access an adapted curriculum offer which follows the themes and concepts in line with their age-related peers, at a level that considers their individual starting points. Pupils may also access individual support in the form of speech and language therapy, Lego Therapy, Colourful Semantics, Lexia,  Nurture Group sessions or ELSA support.

Assessment outcomes will typically reference Pre-Key stage standards at the end of KS2 as part of our statutory assessment. In addition to this, we use  PIVATS assessments on an ongoing basis as our ‘in school’ assessment measure. PIVATS allow us to track the smaller steps of progress our pupils make and provides a tool to measure progress in areas such as personal and social development.

We recognise that pupils who are working at a Key Stage 1 level in Key Stage 2 may require additional support and highly adapted teaching to access the curriculum and to reach their full potential. That's why we have developed a tailored approach specifically designed to meet the needs of these pupils and support them on their educational journey.

Our AQ Provision is currently at capacity. Places are allocated from the current school roll following assessment, professional advice, and collaboration with Parents, SENCo and SLT. Parents of pupils not already attending Beam are not able to request a place within our AQ provision.

AQ Provision 
Partnership with Parents/Carers

Homework is set on Google Classroom every Wednesday and is collected the following Tuesday.

Physical homework may also be provided.

Spellings are in line with pupils’ phonics groups/levels.


Spelling tests take place every Friday.

Children read with staff daily.

Books are changed weekly.

The development of receptive and expressive vocabulary is key alongside comprehension and questioning

All pupils have a Lexia account which can be accessed from home.

Parents are fully informed about the provision offer and rationale for their child

Access to Tapestry (soon to move to Evidence for Learning) to allow parents/carers to be more involved in their child’s learning journey

Access to input from Speech and Language Therapist and Educational Psychologist

Support with referrals for pupils including EHCP requests

Extended parent meeting offers each term

Meetings with provision staff and year group staff

Personalised reports

Lexia log in sent home

Invited to parent CPD relevant to their child

Invited to parent coffee mornings

Support with transition including staff support for school visits if needed





“a great day taking class photos, lovely school and children were exceptional. Super smart and neat uniform. Very well behaved, great listening & lovely manners”
Kittle Photographic