

Welcome to Reception

Our teachers are: Ms Bibi-Sombe (Butterflies), Miss Nikolova (Grasshoppers), and Miss Satheeskumar (Ladybirds)

KS1Support Staff: Mrs Roomes, Mrs Montoya, Mrs Hill, Ms Onayiga, Ms. Rahman, 

We wish you a warm welcome back after the Summer half-term. 

Reading - Little Wandle Programme progression 


early years foundation stage profile assessment

These assessments are usually completed between April and June of the academic year in which your child turns 5 (usually the reception year).  Please press here to read more information regarding the early years foundation stage profile assessment

Reception Baseline Assessments (RBA) Information

Below is information for parents and caregivers that explains what you need to know regarding the Reception Baseline Assessments (RBA), which are usually completed within the first 6 weeks of entering reception.  Providing information such as:

  • what each assessment involves,
  • when tests will take place,
  • how results will be shared and used  
Information for parents: Reception baseline assessment -

P.E uniform

All children are required to have a P.E uniform which stays in school and will be sent home at the end of every half term to be washed.


  • Black shorts
  • Plain white T-shirt
  • Plimsolls for PE
  • Bags with the school logo are available for £4.00

Reception Lunchtime

The children are starting to settle into Reception and are slowly getting used to our dinner hall.

With at least two options to choose from every day, the children are learning how to eat sensibly using a knife and fork and sitting amongst their new friends.

Please can we remind you that there is to be no chocolate, fizzy drinks or products that contain nuts.


The children have now started their full days at school and are enjoying ‘creating their lifelong love of learning‘ here at Beam County Primary School.

The children are displaying good levels of involvement whilst exploring their new classroom and the outdoor area. They have made new friends, and are adapting well to the new change in their routine.

During the next 6 weeks the children will be observed in their play in order for teachers to plan linked to the children’s interests and in order to develop their next steps in learning.

We will be focussing on helping the children to understand what makes them unique and special. We will be teaching name writing, drawing portraits and discussing about family life. Please feel free to send in family photos or photos of the children when they were a baby (ensure you label all photos with your child’s name please).

Please feel free to speak to a member of the team if you have any questions!



We are fantastic at subitising numbers to five so we have progressed beyond five now! We are counting from 0-20 confidently even managing it backwards. This term we have focused on different ways of making five, we call this number bonds to five. We are using different materials and pictures to do this such as Numicon, our fingers, double sided counters and even part-whole models.



Reception children will bring home a school library books and a different Little Wandle phonics book each week. This needs to be returned every day so that they can read in class with it in their reading groups. The purpose of the library book is as a ‘home sharing’ text. It is to develop children’s knowledge of different literature and increase their knowledge of the world. 

Please get your child to read their own story books from home/be read to by parents on other week nights e.g., bed time story which allows children to have lots of exposure to modelling of tone, intonation, expression etc. Please record and sign all instances of reading that take place at home in their school diary/planner.

Maths homework

A1 - I can say the numbers from 0 to 5 and back from 5 to 0 in order 
A2 - I can say the numbers from 0 to 10 and back from 10 to 0 in order 
Sp 1- I can partition numbers, to 5, into two groups 
Sp2 - I can say which number is one more or one less than a given number to 20 
Su 1- I can count, read and write numbers to 20 
Su 2 - I can say the numbers from 0 to 20 and back from 20 to 0 in order  



