Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Our teachers are Miss Juffs and Mrs Hakiza, Miss Yousaf, Mr Ashton

Lower KS2 Support Staff: Miss Rashid, Mrs Cucoara-Echim, 

We aim to ensure that children transition smoothly from Year 2 to Year 3. We have an exciting curriculum to ensure that the children are stimulated, challenged, engaged and develop greater independence.


1.5 hours per week


Friday - Spellings received and glued in planners for daily practice; children are to be tested on the subsequent Friday. 

Friday - English (Grammar/Comprehension) - will be returned the following Tuesday.

      - Mathematics (revision of the week’s learning) - to be returned on the following Tuesday.

Daily – Reading and Discussion (20 mins) – please regularly sign your child’s planner; timetables, spellings

Half Termly - Projects related to Humanities or Science topics - Information to be included in pupils' homework books/listed on Google Classroom.

Regularly use TT Rockstars, Bug Club and Spelling Shed to be encouraged at home.




“my daughter is very happy in the school and I couldn't be happier. She is always talking positively about staff and what she's learning about. Thank you all!”
Year 2 Parent