Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Our teachers are Mr Obaye (Ms Neale), Ms. Suntharamoorhy, Mr Hall

Mrs Hakiza (PM - SEND support)

Lower KS2 Support Staff: Mrs Winmill, Mrs Cucoara-Echim, 







Year 4 trip

Year 4 visited Eastbury Manor House as part of their Tudor topic. The children had the opportunity to learn about Tudor clothing, games, dances, food and their beliefs. The visit allowed the pupils to enrich both their knowledge of the Tudors and the local history of Dagenham.

Curriculum Map

Every academic year each year group produces a Curriculum Map that details what the children will learn.  The Curriculum Map is designed to give as much information as possible about what your child will be learning at school each academic so that they can be supported at home.

Curriculum Map for year 4

Multiplication tables check (MTC)


Year 4 children partake in this assessment in the Summer Term

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their timetables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their timetables so that additional support can be provided.

This year’s Stubbers Trip will be from June 1st – 5th. Letters and information will be emailed to you soon. 


Year 4

1.6 hours per week

Monday – Spellings received to be tested on the following Friday. 

Friday –English (Grammar and comprehension)  – to be returned on Wednesday

  • Mathematics (revision of the week’s learning)  – to be returned on Wednesday

Half termly project related to topic work

Daily – reading and discussion (20 mins – please sign your child’s planner); timetables, spellings

Half termly –  project related to topic work – keep an eye on this page for pictures.

Regular use of Bug Club and Spelling Shed to be encouraged at home.

Exploring Dagenham Village:

As part of our history, we visited Dagenham Village. Rooted in this history, we walked through the site of historic Dagenham Village, where remnants of the past intertwine with the present. The stories of Dagenham inspired curiosity and wonder. 











My son started your school without talking or saying lots of words...But with encouragement, good teaching and not too shy.facilities, he’s now a chatterbox ,he’s more confident and not too shy anymore. Am grateful for all your help and I know he’s going
Former Year 6 parent