Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Our teachers are Ms Neale, Ms. Suntharamoorthy, Mr Hall

Lower KS2 Support Staff: Miss Rashid and Mrs Cucoara-Echim

Curriculum Map

Each year group produces a curriculum map detailing what the children will learn.  The curriculum map is designed to give as much information as possible about what your child will be learning at school in each academic year so that they can be supported at home.

Multiplication tables check (MTC)

Year 4 children partake in this assessment in the Summer Term (week commencing 2nd June 2025).

The MTC aims to determine whether pupils can recall their timetables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their timetables so that additional support can be provided.


Year 4 (1.6 hours per week)

Friday– Spellings received to be tested on the following Thursday. 


  • Literacy homework will be set on LBQ and is to be completed by Tuesday. Misconceptions will be addressed on Wednesday.
  • Mathematics homework will be posted on LBQ (revision of the week’s learning) and is to be completed by Tuesday. Misconceptions from homework will be addressed on Wednesday.

Daily - Pupils should practice their timetables daily via TTRS (15 minutes).

Weekend– Pupils are encouraged to read aloud to an adult (about 15 minutes).

Regular use of Bug Club and Spelling Shed to be encouraged at home.

Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

This leaflet is for parents to explain what the multiplication tables check is. Pupils will take this test in June.

It includes information about:

  • Why schools are doing the check
  • What happens during the check
  • Access arrangements
  • How the results data is used


Multiplication Test Check for Parents


