Pe and Sports Funding

PE and Sports Premium

In March 2013, the government announced a major new funding initiative to support physical education and sports delivery in primary schools.  Allocations for the academic year 2020 to 2021 are calculated using the number of pupils in years 1 to 6, as recorded in the January 2020 census.  Every year, this calculation method continues. 

How will we be spending the PE and Sport Premium Funding?

At Beam County Primary School, we adopt an inclusive approach to the development of physical activity and sport for our pupils.  We are working to enhance PE and sports provision in order to increase participation and achievement for all pupils.

We have started and will continue to use the PE and Sport Premium funding in the following ways:

  • All of our pupils benefit, irrespective of sporting ability
  • All of our pupils have the opportunity to take part in competitive activity, whether through intra or inter-school competitions.
  • Our pupils understand the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Our most able children are given the opportunity to compete in local and national tournaments.
  • Our staff have access to training and relevant CPD opportunities.
  • Our staff are able to develop their subject knowledge and confidence in order to teach high-quality PE through team teaching with our PE specialist.
  • In years 3 and 6 pupils attend swimming. 


With the above rationale in mind, we will continue to use the PE and Sport Premium funding effectively so that,

Our staff continue to benefit from CPD:
  • We continue to develop a number of after school sports clubs so that pupils are able to compete against each other and those from other schools.
  • We continue to enhance our playgrounds, enhancing our provision of PE & Sport as well as health and well-being.
  • We develop more opportunities for intra-school competition.
  • We continue to provide opportunities for inter-school competition.
  • We continue to stock fit-for-purpose PE equipment and facilities.
  • We will evaluate the impact of the Sports Premium funding and consider the efficacy of the funding in improving the quality and breadth of our PE and sporting provision.


Impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium 2023-24

Impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium

Before deciding how to use the funding for this academic year, we have reflected and evaluated the impact of our use of the funding in 2023/24.  Click here to read our PE Funding Evaluation Form for 2023 - 24



