SEND Provision
The school follows the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice for children with special or additional needs.
All school classes are of mixed ability, and teachers provide work specially designed to match each group's ability. They do this using a variety of materials and classroom support.
If a child has special or additional needs, parents will be informed that their child is being included on our SEN list. These children will have their Personal Learning Plans reviewed with their parents each term.
For a small proportion of children, the school may need to seek specialist advice outside of school. Please rest assured that parents will always be informed of this in advance. This ensures that you can ask questions and raise any concerns and that we can work together in your child's best interest.
At Beam County Primary School, we are acutely aware of the diverse needs of all our children. We ensure that their achievements are recognised and celebrated. We aim to provide a curriculum adapted to their needs if the school can meet them.
Two staff members in the school are responsible for children on the SEND list, as well as supporting staff and parents. Miss Mooney is our SEND coordinator, with several years of experience and the National SENCo Award. Miss Bishop is the Deputy SEND coordinator, also with the National SENCo Award. We also employ the services of Mrs Valerie Kinsella, an experienced SENDCO, to assist us.
The following diagram illustrates our graduated response to children’s needs. It shows the standard offer of teaching, learning, and care for ALL pupils, the additional provision that some pupils may need, and the specialist provision available to the few children with significant to complex needs.
To read further about our SEND provision rationale, please click here.
- High-quality teaching and learning
- A differentiated curriculum that is challenging and offers enjoyment and motivation
- Assessment for learning
- Personalised target setting
- Teacher parent feedback through regular progress reports, Meet the Teacher and parent’s consultation day and evenings
- Enrichment opportunities including: culturally diverse celebrations throughout the year
- After school clubs and educational visits
- A nurturing environment
- An adjusted timetable to incorporate all aspects of their specific learning needs and recommendations from other professionals
- Targeted interventions and support matched to needs delivered by teachers and/or Learning Support Assistants
- Personalised progress tracking and assessment
- Access to specialist programmes e.g., Jigsaw, Individual Speech and Language Programmes, ELSA, Phonics and Reading Interventions (such as Lexia and Toe by Toe)
- Access to some specialist Services and Therapists
- Access to additional adult support/small group working
- Enhanced access to Speech and Language Therapy
- Reasonable adjustments to the environment and equipment for pupils where needed (visual timetables, objects of reference, writing boards, pencil grips, assisted IT)
Support from our Learning Support Assistants and nurture Team (including 1:1 support, Circle Time, Bereavement/Loss, Circle of Friends, ELSA, Precision Teaching
- Interventions additional to, or different from, those provided as part of the School’s usual differentiated curriculum
- An individual program that consists of: personalised timetable, individual targets and continuous monitoring and recording of progress
- Specialist programmes and resources that challenge and improve outcomes
- Supporting adults that are trained in delivering specialist programmes, either 1:1 or small groups e.g. SALT programmes, O.T. Programmes, Attention Autism, Intensive Interaction, Social Skills Groups
- Access to Specialist Services and Therapists
- Enhanced opportunities for Speech and Language Therapy
- An increased parental involvement through: communication, termly meetings, parent’s evenings, coffee mornings and person-centred annual reviews for those with EHCPs.
At Beam, we are committed to providing enjoyable, engaging and stimulating learning experiences which will enable all pupils to be successful, regardless of their age, gender, disability, ethnicity or social group.
The teaching style of our school is one of striving to ensure that individual children have their educational needs met. Pupils who are identified as having Special Educational Needs may be supported on an individual basis, in small groups or within the class through the adaptation of the curriculum
Please click on the 11 questions below for more information about Special Educational Needs at Beam County Primary School and how we may support your child.