The purpose of governance is to:
… provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.
The 3 core functions of the governing board are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
To read the full Code of Conduct for the Governing Body:
To view our Governors’ Declaration of Interest:
The Governing body can be contacted by sending a letter to the school for the attention of the Chair of the Governing body, Miss Sevim Ekmekci or by email to marked for the attention of the ‘Chair of the Governing body’.
If you would like to speak to a governor, please come in (or call) the school office to leave your contact details. We will then pass these on to Miss Sevim Ekmekci, the Chair of Governors.
The membership of the Governing body:
The role of a local governing body is important. The governing body monitors the school’s key performance indicators and acts as a critical friend to the Headteacher and the school’s Senior Leadership Team, providing challenge where appropriate.
- The name of the school is Beam County Primary School
- The school is a community school.
- The name of the governing body is "The governing body of Beam County Primary School"
- The governing body shall consist of:
- Three parent governors
- One LA governor
- One staff governor
- One headteacher
- Six co-opted governors - the Instrument of Government to be increased by one additional co-opted governor.
- Total number of governors = 12 – this will be updated to 13
- The term of office of all categories of governor is four years.
Co-opted Governors
The majority of governors we place are co-opted governors. These volunteers don’t have to have a connection to the school, religion, or local authority. Co-opted governors, in the opinion of the governing board, have the skills and experience required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. They are sometimes called community governors as they often (but not always) come from the community the school is in and know the needs of that community well. They will act in the best interests of the school and the wider community.
Parent Governors
We have three parent governors. They are there to offer a perspective from the parent community on the board. A proxy parent governor can join the board if a school can’t recruit a parent governor. A proxy parent governor is simply someone who has children of school age. Parent governors have the same responsibilities as other types of governors.
Staff Governor
A staff governor is elected as a representative staff member on the board. Their role is to bring a staff perspective to discussions held by the governing board.
Associate members are not governors, and they are not recorded in the instrument of government; they are appointed to a committee of the governing board for their specific skills and expertise.
The Governing Board currently operates a circle model of governance, whereby Governors work collectively as a 'whole team' with minimal committees; currently, they meet six times per year (once per half-term) to make decisions, consider monitoring reports and recommendations, and conduct routine business.
Finance is currently a separate committee that scrutinises finance in more depth six times an academic year by looking at the accounts and audits, forecasting, and budgeting.
Provision is made for Governors to form committees and appeal panels to deal with Pupil Discipline & Exclusion, Staff Discipline and Dismissal, Admissions, Complaints, Grievances, Pay, and the Headteacher's Performance Review.
The membership of the Governing body:
The role of a local governing body is important. The governing body monitors the school’s key performance indicators and acts as a critical friend to the Headteacher and the school’s Senior Leadership Team, providing challenge where appropriate.
Governors’ Roles
Beam County Primary – List of Meetings Attended
Press here for our Governor List and Declared Business Interests
The Department for Education (DfE) recognises that diversity is important and wants governing boards to be increasingly reflective of the communities they serve. The DfE now encourages schools and trusts to collect and publish diversity data about the board and any local academy committees.
Below are the responses from Governors who chose to respond: