Staff at Beam

Mr. Anderson takes “lead responsibility” for safeguarding and child protection He is the Designated Safeguard Lead.


Mrs. McKenzie - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead

Mrs. Cole - Attendance Officer

Mrs. Huskie - Parent Support Advisor


This team is to provide support to staff members to carry out their safeguarding duties and to liaise closely with other services such as children’s social care. They are to also provide support to parents and pupils.

Miss Bowers

Support Staff – Miss O’Leary, Mrs Mead, Mrs Bass, Mrs Montoya, Mrs Roomes, Mrs Pricopi, Mrs McDowell, Mrs Hill

Butterflies (RKT)         Miss Thomas (Maternity Leave)

Grasshoppers (RON)   Mrs Nikolova

Ladybirds (RLS)          Miss Satheeskumar


Support Staff – Miss O’Leary, Mrs Mead, Mrs Bass, Mrs Montoya, Mrs Roomes, Mrs Pricopi, Mrs McDowell, Mrs Hill

Badgers (1AH)           Miss Honour

Deers (1HH)               Mrs Hoque

Hedgehogs (1BS)       Mrs Bongombe & Mrs Stagg


Support Staff – Mrs Hennessy, Mrs Mouri, Miss Carter, Ms Stock

Nightingales (2DM)            Mr McKenzie

Woodpeckers (2NH)          Mrs Harle

Sparrowhawks (2FT)         Mrs Tinuoye


Support Staff – Mrs Hennessy, Mrs Mouri, Miss Carter, Ms Stock

3WA   Mr Ashton

3PJ     Ms Juffs

3KY    Miss Yousaf


Support Staff – Mrs Winmill, Mrs Cucoara, Mrs Hakiza

4JH   Mr Hall

4SU   Ms Suntharamoorthy

4NN   Mrs Neale


Support Staff – Mrs Winmill, Mrs Cucoara, Mrs Hakiza

5CR         Mrs Cook & Mr Rusirevi

5AW        Ms Waldron

5SS         Mr Samuels


Support Staff – Mrs McGrath, Mrs Rashid, Miss Dempsey


6KW   Mrs Kryeziu & Mr Wilson

6OO    Mr Obaye

6DC    Mr Coker


Support Staff – Mrs McGrath, Mrs Rashid

Atlantis    Miss. Holloway

Apollo     Mrs. Hakiza

AQ (Altiora Quaerite)    Miss. Nursimloo

Support Staff – Mrs. McGrath, Miss. Holloway, Miss. Bowman, Mrs. Kararia, Ms. Chand, Miss. Russell, Miss. Addison



Nurture/Social Skills   Miss. Cariba

ELSA         Miss. Cariba & Mrs. Winmill

Speech & Language    Miss. Russell


Counsellor     Masuma Sultana

Coaching & Mentoring  Mr. Hoyte 


Miss. Mooney  - SENDco

Mrs. Gholampour - Deputy SENDco

Mrs. Kyreziu - Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead

Mr. Hoyte - Coaching and Mentoring




The role of a subject coordinator is vast, key responsibilities include:


  • Considering the three strands of intent, implementation, and impact;
  • Attending relevant continuing professional development (CPD) courses to keep up to date with the latest curriculum changes;
  • To disseminate and share information with the wider team;
  • Encouraging parents to get more involved and engaging parents when necessary;
  • Liaising with the senior leadership team (SLT) to look at data, such as progress and expectations data, and ensure that progress is on track.


Literacy - Mr. Wilson/Miss. Russo 

Maths - Mrs. Neale/Mr. Rusirevi

Science - Mrs. Neale

RE - Mrs. Tinuoye 

PHSE - Ms. Juffs

Latin - Mrs. Cook

Music - Mrs. Cook

History - Miss. Marcuccilli

Geography - Miss. Yousaf

ICT - Mr. Samuels

Art - Mrs Longworth 

DT - Mr. Ashton 

PE - Mr. Hoyte

EAL - Mrs. Nikolova

Phonics - Mrs. Harle

The office staff is responsible for a majority of the clerical work in the school, including handling sensitive documents such as student records.

They act as a liaison between the students, parents, and staff. Despite the multi-faceted and variable nature of the school office, the core elements are always focused on ensuring that the school runs effectively and the ability to communicate politely and effectively.

Finance Officer - Mrs. Gregory

Attendance & Administration Officer - Mrs. Cole
Receptionist/Administrative Assistant - Mr. Howard

Beam County Primary School is a very successful well-presented, well-maintained school.  The school cleaners work as part of a team to perform a variety of regular and one-off cleaning tasks and duties as directed by their supervisor/line manager to ensure standards are maintained.


This team consists of Miss. Speight, Mrs. Letts, Mrs. Kararia, Mrs. Newell, Mrs. Ayaz.

The caretakers play a vital role at Beam, being responsible for the maintenance and security of the school buildings.


Caretaker - Mr. Knight

Support Caretaker - Mr. Smith

Our Play Team at Beam help to enrich and support diversifying play by encouraging pupils to become independent and creative through the use of their environment and resources.

Typically, 20% of school life involves play and at Beam we recognise that good quality play is hugely important to the health, happiness, development and well-being of all our pupils.

Within the dining hall the role of a midday supervisor is to:

  • Engage with the children to encourage eating, listening, teaching good table manners and to facilitate playground games.
  • Apply the school behaviour policy.
  • Facilitate a lunchtime system that is conducive to socialising and that children are motivated to eat better, eat together and engage in conversation.
  • Praise and reward children, looking for those that might need encouragement to eat their dinner and looking for those who struggle to socialise or use a knife and fork properly

Our team is led by: Miss. Cariba

The team consists of

Ms. B Carter, Miss. L Carter, Mr. J Davis, Mrs. N Hill, Mrs. K Kararia, Mrs. P Montoya, Mrs. D Newell, Mrs. S O'Connell, Mrs. A Pricopi, Mrs. S Riley, Miss. C Russell, Mrs. D Seaborne, Ms. K Stock, Ms. S Sultana

This team plays an integral role in preparing, cooking and serving meals within the school dining hall.  They implement and maintain Beam’s food standards, ensuring the food safety of pupils, including those with particular and special diets.  Their aim is to ensure that the pupils (their customers) receive a smile and nutritious meal.


Team Consists of - Mrs. Bell (Head Cook), Mrs. Deller, Mrs. Steele,  Mrs. Normataite-Jukneviciene, Miss. Pitt.


