Timings of Usual School Day

The School Day

We expect children to attend school each day and to be on time. Lateness disrupts the lesson for other children and is taken very seriously at Beam. The school has a policy of texting and or telephoning families on the first day of absence to see why your child is not in school. This policy is in place to keep your child safe. To avoid the need to call you, we ask all parents and carers to ring the school if your child is not well - 020 8270 4700.

School Day: 8:30am – 3:15/20pm.

Each classroom is open from 8:30AM for a Soft Start. Children are encouraged to come in for 08:30 as it allows for a smoother start to the school day and it provides an opportunity for:

Adult support
Peer learning
Recap opportunities
Spelling reinforcement
Mental arithmetic practice
In EYFS & KS1 this period is used as further phonic and literacy opportunities

In KS2 this period is used to practice fluency in mathematics. 


Group Soft Start AM time Location Egress time Location
Atlantis 8:30 8:40AM Main office 3:10 PM Main office
Apollo 8:30 8:40AM Main office Children dismissed from own classes Own classes
6 8:30 8:40AM Red gate – KS2 playground 3:20 PM Red gate – KS2 playground including home walkers
5 8:30 8:40AM Red gate – KS2 playground 3:20 PM Red gate – KS2 playground including home walkers
4 8:30 8:40AM Red gate – KS2 playground 3:15 PM Red gate – KS2 playground
3 8:30 8:40AM Red gate – KS2 playground 3:15 PM Red gate – KS2 playground
2 8:30 8:40AM Blue gate – KS1 Front playground 3:20 PM Blue gate – KS1 Front playground
1 8:30 8:40AM Blue gate – KS1 Front playground 3:15 PM Blue gate – KS1 Front playground
Reception 8:30 8:40AM Blue gate – through to Reception classrooms 3:15 PM Blue gate – through to Reception classrooms
Nursery N/A 8:30AM


12:30 PM

Blue gate – Nursery entrance 11:30 AM


3:00/3:30 PM

Blue gate – Nursery entrance
Pupils who arrive late to school should proceed directly to the main office: they will be recorded as late, and the reasons will be investigated, subsequently, by the safeguarding team.


