

  • Pupils must come to school in the full and correct uniform. If a pupil arrives in incorrect uniform parents will be contacted to come into the school and change their child into the correct uniform; or bring the correct uniform. If a pupil’s uniform is damaged or lost, please advise the class teacher, by writing in your child’s home/school planner, or email the school office:  office@beam.bardaglea.org.uk
  • It is essential that you write your child’s name in ALL their uniform. It is not our responsibility to look after or find a uniform that does not have a name in it. We believe in encouraging independence for our pupils, part of which is to look after their uniform.
  • No make-up, acrylic nails or nail varnish is permitted

The fundamental reason for the school having specific standards on dress and personal appearance is to prepare our pupils for a successful educational and personal career.

Pre-loved school uniform is available to purchase from the main reception. All uniform is 50p. Coats may be available (up to £3.00).

In the interest of corporate pride and good discipline, and to provide a sense of belonging and identity ALL pupils are expected to wear the following:


  • Children should not bring valuable or expensive items such as toys, money, mobile phones, etc. into school. The school will not be responsible for loss or damage to such items. The school provides everything children need for learning and playing.
  • Property, including clothing and lunch boxes, etc., should be marked clearly with your child’s name and class. There is a lost property box by the office reception. Any unclaimed items will be recycled.
  • ‘Home walkers’ will need permission to bring in a mobile phone; an appointment will need to be made with Miss Whittington.   If your child brings in a phone without permission, it will be confiscated, and you will be asked to come and collect it.
  • MP3 Players, iPads and game consoles are not permitted in school under any circumstances. These items will be confiscated, and you will be asked to come and collect them.

Pupils should NOT bring their own footballs or sports equipment into school. Footballs and sports equipment are provided for use at break and lunchtimes.

Required - Pupils must wear plain black school shoes – NO TRAINERS

NB: Pupils are not to wear branded trainers, knee length boots, ‘Ugg’ type boots, canvas shoes, plastic jelly shoes or flip-flops.

For Health & Safety sandals and knee length boots are not to be worn.

In the summer closed toe sandals can be worn.  

If your child is unable to tie their shoe laces, could you please ensure that they wear velcro shoes. 



All of the below items are required and can be purchased from a range of retailers:



White shirts or blouses are to be worn.  

Optional. -If you wish, a polo shirt with the school logo is available for £10 at the office.





Jumper or Cardigan

Red jumpers or cardigans can be worn.

Optional - Red jumpers or cardigans with the school logo can be purchased from the school office.







Skirts must be grey (NOT black) and worn at knee length.
School trousers
in charcoal grey (NOT jogging bottoms or black trousers).







  • Tights – Black, grey or red. NO patterned tights.
  • Grey, white or black socks are to be worn.









 All of the below items are required and can be purchased from a range of retailers:

  • Summer dresses are red and white checked
  • Charcoal grey school shorts.
  • Flat closed brown or black toe sandals – white, or black with white socks. (For Health & Safety reasons closed-toe sandals need to be worn.)


NB – Red and white check shirts are NOT to be worn with a grey skirt or trousers


  • Hairbands are to be black, red, or white.
  • If small beads are to be worn they are to be black, white, or red.
  • Headscarves worn for religious reasons – black, white, or red. (Fashion scarves or large hair accessories, e.g. large flowers, large beads, fluorescent accessories, etc. are not allowed).
  • Weave and hair extensions should be natural colour only
  • Dyed hair is not permitted
  • In the interests of safety hair longer than the shoulder will need tying back for PE. It is a good idea to keep long hair tied back for all lessons as pupils often perform practical tasks during lessons


  • Stud earrings are permitted ONLY for health and safety reasons
  • Students may wear a watch – smart watches are not permitted
  • Fashion jewellery is not permitted – chains, bracelets, etc.

For Health and Safety reasons, children are required to change into separate clothing for P.E. Children who go swimming will need fitted trunks (boys) or a one-piece swimming costume (girls), a towel, and a swimming hat. Your child must have their P.E Kit for all P.E lessons.


  • Black shorts
  • Plain white T-shirt
  • Plimsolls for PE,
  • bags with the school logo are available for £4.00
  • Sweat bands to cover Kara


Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly labelled.   


  • Trainers for outdoors – We advise that if your child struggles with shoelaces they should be slip-on or Velcro.
  • Plain Tracksuit (Navy blue or black) for outdoor games.


Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly labelled.



