Outdoor Learning



Beam County Primary School is top of the class for Learning Outside the Classroom

Beam County Primary School is strongly committed to providing its pupils excellent learning outside the classroom (LOtC) by achieving a national LOtC Mark (Bronze). Awarded by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC), LOtC Mark (Bronze) accredits those schools that have a strong awareness of the benefits of providing frequent, continuous and progressive LOtC experiences to all pupils and have begun to integrate LOtC into the life of the school.

OPAL (Outdoor Play And Learning)

We are delighted to announce that Beam County Primary has achieved the prestigious Opal Gold Award! OPAL was set up in 2020 to improve the quality of play in English primary schools and ensure that every schoolchild has an incredible daily playtime with no exceptions.

Receiving the OPAL Gold Award puts Beam Primary in the top 2% of schools worldwide for its play provision for children.

Forest School

We are also striving towards Forest School status, which our Nursery children have been accessing. We will keep you updated!!







I've loved coming into this school to meet its warmth & creativity which bubbles through the children's attitude & enthusiasm
Trilby Jones (Arty Party)