Pupils' Area

This area contains useful links. If you would like more links added, please let your class teacher know, or a member of Pupil Parliament.

Phonics (watch the videos) - Little Wandle

Mathematics - White Rose

Times Table Rock Stars

BBC Bitesize


Apps that you may find use:


Are you worried about something?




 Talking about your problems is a good way to get support. Often, someone else can help you see things differently. They can help you change things that are worrying or upsetting you.  Talking to someone can make you feel that you do not have to deal with it on your own.

If you are at home, there are people you can talk to, such as your parents, carers or someone else in your family.

You, your friends and all the pupils of Beam Primary have a right to be safe in all environments; this includes at home, school, on the street, in places like Beam Parklands, in all the places that you visit and even on the internet.

All adults must make sure you are safe from harm. Teachers, Parents, Carers, adults who work in or visit our school, Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, Police Officers, Faith leaders, Youth Workers, and Sports Coaches – every adult is included.

If you’ve got a problem or are worried about someone (such as a brother or sister, a friend, or someone in your class), it can be hard to know what to do. But you don’t have to cope on your own. You and all the other children have the right to grow up safe from people hurting you or failing to ensure that you are cared for. All adults have a responsibility to protect you.

We are all here to help protect you and keep you safe from harm.



You can also ring Childline on 0800 11 11 (the call is free)

Or you can get in touch online at www.childline.org.uk

You can talk to them about anything



At school, you can speak to your teacher or any other adult 

  • If you’re not sure what to say, you can try writing it down and put the message in the Worry Bag, and then someone will come to speak to you.
  • Or if you are in years 3,4,5 or 6, you can use Tootoot


 Press here to look at a short video to see how tootoot works and how it can help you.  






My son started your school without talking or saying lots of words...But with encouragement, good teaching and not too shy.facilities, he’s now a chatterbox ,he’s more confident and not too shy anymore. Am grateful for all your help and I know he’s going
Former Year 6 parent