Clubs and Activities


Alongside our curriculum, we provide a wide range of activities and clubs for our children to enjoy during after-school hours. Children can attend various sports clubs or recreational activities that further extend their learning. Each term, adults from across the school and external professional providers provide a range of clubs that meet the needs of the children from Year 1 to Year 6.

It's important to note that club lists are subject to changes and will be released to parents on a term-by-term basis. At 3.15 p.m., children are escorted to the relevant location and registered for their club. The clubs run from 3:15 p.m. until 4:30 p.m., and it's expected that children will remain in the same club for the duration of the term. This continuity allows them to fully participate in the activities and gain from the experience.

Mr Hoyte’s Morning Club:

Starts at 8.00 a.m. Monday – Thursday


Spring Term 1 
Club Year Group Day of Week Please click on the link to register
Girls Netball 4-6 Monday Places are currently full - Speak to Office 
Multi Skills 3-4 Monday
Karate 1-6


External Provider - chargeable Please press here for more information

Football Squad



Places are currently full

Dance Club 3-6 Tuesday 

External Provider - chargeable  -  Speak to Office 

Girls Football 3-6 Tuesday

Places are currently full

Music Club



Places are currently full - Speak to Office 

Football Squad



Places are currently full

Film Club



Places are currently full - Speak to Office 

 Table Tennis



more details to follow

Athletics 3-6   more details to follow
Ukulele Club 4-5 Wednesday
Gymnastics 3-5 Thursday Places are currently full - Speak to Office 
Basketball 5-6 Thursday Places are currently full - Speak to Office 
Basketball 3-4 Friday Places are currently full - Speak to Office 
Multi Skills 1-2 Friday Places are currently full - Speak to Office 

For our talented pupils, elite clubs are a prestigious opportunity extended to invited pupils.




My son started your school without talking or saying lots of words...But with encouragement, good teaching and not too shy.facilities, he’s now a chatterbox ,he’s more confident and not too shy anymore. Am grateful for all your help and I know he’s going
Former Year 6 parent