School Hot Meal


Free School Meals

Very important information – children who are entitled to FSM because of their family circumstances bring an additional £1300 into the school budget. Therefore, if your child is entitled to FSM you still need to apply and register your entitlement, otherwise the school will not receive this additional funding.

Primary parents could be £380 a year better off when they apply, per child. Why fork out if you don’t need to?

See the FSM page link and the translated leaflets to help explain the benefits of free school meals for parents and schools, and of course pupils. Everyone is a winner!


Beam’s very own school menu

Beam has its own customised menu, which has the essential vitamins and minerals your child needs to help them grow, develop, fight infection and have the energy to lead a happy and healthy life. We provide hot meals on the premises every day. A selection of halal, organic, meat, fish and vegetarian dishes are available daily. The school tries hard to provide a healthy and balanced menu, including fresh salad, vegetables, and fruit. The school has a nationally recognised ‘Healthy School Award’.  To read our Food Policy, please click here.

Juniors                 £2.10 per day is adequate

Infants                  Hot meals are free. Pupils up to the age of seven in England will be entitled to a free hot school lunch.




My son started your school without talking or saying lots of words...But with encouragement, good teaching and not too shy.facilities, he’s now a chatterbox ,he’s more confident and not too shy anymore. Am grateful for all your help and I know he’s going
Former Year 6 parent