Virtual Office » Term Dates
Term Dates
The school office opens at 8:00 am each morning.
Children attending Breakfast Club can go in at 8:00 am via the dining hall, the cost is £2 per day payable via Parentpay on a Monday we have a cooked breakfast.
Mr Hoyte runs a morning club for Year 1 to Year 6 pupils on a Monday through to Thursday at a cost of £1 per week payable via Parentpay.
We have on-site evening provision care from 3:15 p.m. to 6 p.m. Please press here After School Provision to complete the form of interest. Mrs Gregory at the school office deals with all enquiries.
Please press on the relevant tab below to obtain further information, as the school may be closed
Term dates 2025 - 2026 - press here to view